
Sanction Lawyers

When an individual, organization, or country acts improperly, sanctions can be imposed as a consequence. These sanctions encompass various restrictions, including limitations on financial activities, trade, movement, and participation in international agreements. Such measures can profoundly impact economic and social life, creating substantial obstacles for conducting business or managing personal affairs.

If you are facing sanctions against yourself, your company, or your country, and are seeking a resolution, the expert solicitors at Intercollegium are here to assist you. Our team provides specialized guidance to navigate and address these complex issues effectively.

Contact Interpol Lawyers!

What are Sanctions?

Sanctions are measures intended to limit individuals or states that have breached international law norms. The primary aim of sanctions is to restrict certain individuals’ access to the international financial system. Other restrictions include freezing their assets, denying access to loans, and limiting participation in international trade. The sanction process is designed to weaken the ability of countries or individuals to finance their operations, acquire weapons or technologies, and fund their unlawful activities. Sanctions are a form of economic pressure aimed at compelling target organizations to change their behavior or face the consequences. Our solicitors can provide assistance, expert consultations and support if you have been affected by sanctions, as well as providing clear and comprehensive advice on the applicability of sanction regimes and the options available for compliance.

Types of Sanctions

Sanctions can take the form of either partial or complete bans on certain actions. The prohibition of these actions depends on the type of sanctions involved. These include economic, diplomatic, humanitarian, military, and personal sanctions.

  • Economic sanctions are used to limit or halt trade operations. They can be imposed by individual countries, international organizations against individuals, organizations, or states.
  • Diplomatic sanctions are aimed at expressing disapproval or dissatisfaction with certain actions of a state. Their purpose is not to impact economic or military relations. Typically, they are used in conjunction with other types of sanctions. Diplomatic sanctions, as opposed to economic ones, are used to isolate a country on the international stage.
  • Trade sanctions are designed to exert economic pressure in order to achieve political, economic, or social objectives. Types of trade sanctions include:
  • embargo: a complete prohibition on trade with a specific country. Embargoes are the most severe form of trade sanctions and can apply to all goods and services or be limited to certain categories, such as weapons or oil;
  • import and export restrictions: restrictions on the export or import of certain goods, technologies, or services. This may include dual-use items, meaning they can be utilised for both civilian and military purposes;
  • high tariffs and quotas: high tariffs or limiting the number of goods that can be imported from the target country.
  • Personal sanctions are aimed at imposing restrictions on certain individuals without affecting the country’s population. They are used to put pressure on those believed to be involved in human rights violations and corruption crimes. Actions introduced by personal sanctions include:
  • ban on crossing borders: restrictions on entry into other countries are being imposed to reduce participation in international activities;
  • public announcement: a list of such individuals is being published to diminish their reputation and influence on an international scale.

Our sanctions solicitors will assist you in getting the sanctions lifted. They will also provide you with the necessary consultations tailored to your situation, help in preparing the required documents, and can represent your interests in international organizations.

Financial Sanctions: What You Need to Know

When financial sanctions are applied, an individual, organization, or country is restricted or excluded from international economic relations. Financial sanctions are imposed to coerce a change in behavior of a state, legal entity, or individual. The imposition of trade sanctions results in the restriction or cessation of access to key resources necessary for the continuation of the sanctioned behavior. Such restrictions include the need to obtain consent from international bodies for the receipt of funds from sanctioned countries, as well as a prohibition on receiving such funds. Restrictions can also apply to investments by organizations and supply contracts. Common forms of financial sanctions include:

  • Asset freeze. This is applied to both individuals and legal entities, restricting access to and use of funds and economic resources.
  • Restrictions on financial markets and services. For example, a ban on making investments, limitations in the insurance sector, and the provision of brokerage and other financial services;
  • An order to cease business operations with a specific individual, group, sector, territory, or country.

What Are the Consequences of Breaching Sanctions?

Breaching sanctions can have serious legal, financial, and reputational consequences for individuals, companies, and organizations.

Legal consequences include:

  • Fines and sanctions: breaching sanctions can lead to substantial financial penalties. The size of the fine can vary depending on the scale of the violation and the country that has imposed the sanctions.
  • Criminal liability: in a number of countries, breaching sanctions can be considered a criminal offense. This could lead to criminal prosecution, including imprisonment for those responsible.
  • Asset confiscation: governments can freeze or confiscate the assets of companies or individuals who have breached financial sanctions.

Our sanctions solicitors will assist you in challenging the imposed economic sanctions and provide expert advice on operating under the sanctions regime.

Risk of Legal Prosecution

Breaching sanctions regulations can lead to severe consequences, including restrictive measures and even criminal prosecution. To avoid such dire outcomes, it is crucial to consult a sanctions solicitor specializing in international sanctions law. A knowledgeable lawyer will meticulously analyze your case, assess potential risks, and recommend effective steps to mitigate them, ensuring your actions are compliant and your interests protected.

Export Control Regulations

Export control refers to a system of legal and administrative measures implemented by a state to regulate the export of goods, technologies, services, and information beyond its borders. The primary aim of export control is to ensure national security, protect the economic interests of the state, and comply with international commitments. The enforcement of export control involves measures to monitor the export of goods and services from countries that are under sanctions. This includes overseeing the process of exporting goods that could be used for civilian and/or military purposes. For certain categories of goods, an export licence is required.

Main World Sanction Regimes

There are several types of sanctions regimes in the world. They have their own permanent body that regulates the rules and procedures for imposing sanctions. Such countries and organizations have implemented their own sanctions regimes, which are applied in cases of violations of international law. These regimes include:

  1. MOFCOM Sanctions. The Chinese Ministry of Commerce is responsible for the development and implementation of sanctions measures. MOFCOM sanctions include restrictions on the import/export of goods and retaliatory measures against sanctions targeting China and Chinese companies.
  2. DFAT Sanctions. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Australia is responsible for regulating the sanctions regime in the country. These are aimed at restrictions in trade, freezing of assets, and bans on crossing borders.
  3. SEMA Sanctions. The Special Economic Measures Act of Canada provides the means to impose sanctions. These include the freezing of assets and a ban on crossing borders.
  4. OFAC Sanctions. The Office of Foreign Assets Control is a part of the US Department of the Treasury. It is responsible for enforcing sanctions, which include freezing assets and imposing restrictions on trade operations.

Each of these sanction regimes demonstrates how various states and bodies respond to violations of international law. These sanction regimes have their own characteristics and procedures for application, aimed at restoring the rule of law.

Which of our lawyers work with Sanction?

Dmytro Konovalenko, is a lawyer with many years of experience in dealing with the Interpol Sanction Defence.

Anatoliy Yarovyi, lawyer, Doctor of Laws. Anatoliy specializes in appeals against INTERPOL Red Notices and International Sanctions.

How Our Solicitors Can Help?

Sanction measures have a significant impact on various sectors. To avoid any troubles related to sanctions, you will need the assistance of a qualified solicitor. By turning to us, you will receive:

  1. Assistance for individuals and organizations. Our solicitors assist individual clients and organizations that may be at risk of facing sanctions or have already encountered them.
  2. We operate in accordance with various sanction regimes. The importance of legal assistance increases when providing support in various sanction regimes. Our solicitors possess the requisite theoretical knowledge and have many years of experience working with various sanction regimes, ensuring qualified assistance.
  3. We have considerable expertise in such matters. To assist you, our solicitors conduct a comprehensive analysis of your situation, paying attention to all the nuances of the case. This ensures the quality of support provided in resolving complex issues in the realm of sanctions.
  4. A comprehensive range of legal services. We offer a variety of legal services, from an initial analysis of your situation to representing your interests in international organizations.

Engage our expertise in navigating sanctions to safeguard against legal pitfalls and financial setbacks. We ensure your full compliance with international regulations, providing you with peace of mind in today’s complex landscape.

Dr. Anatoliy Yarovyi
Senior Partner
Anatoliy Yarovyi is a doctor of Law, holds a Master’s degree in Law from Lviv University and Stanford University. He was one of the candidates for a judgeship at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Specializes in representing clients’ interests at the ECHR and Interpol in matters concerning extradition, personal and business reputation, data protection, and freedom of movement.



    How to Get an INTERPOL Background Check?

    To get an INTERPOL background check, it is necessary to submit your request to the Commission for the Control of INTERPOL (CCF). The request must meet Inteprol requirements. It is advisable to consult a lawyer who specializes in international law or criminal records. A lawyer can help you understand the requirements, ensure all necessary documents are correctly submitted, and assist in addressing any legal implications that may arise from the background check.

    What Does INTERPOL Actually Do?

    INTERPOL facilitates international police cooperation to combat transnational crime. It maintains crime databases, issues notices like Red Notices for arrest, coordinates international operations, provides training and resources, focuses on specific crimes with specialized units, operates a secure communication network, and assists in disaster response.

    How Does INTERPOL Work?

    INTERPOL operates by facilitating international law enforcement cooperation among its member countries. Each member country has an NCB (National Central Bureaus) that serves as the main point of contact with INTERPOL. Organization maintains databases on criminals, stolen property, missing persons, fingerprints, and DNA profiles, accessible to all member countries. INTERPOL issues various notices, such as Red Notices for locating and arresting individuals, and other notices for identifying persons or warning about criminal activities. It supports international operations, joint investigations, and provides specialized training and resources.

    What is an INTERPOL Red Notice?

    An INTERPOL Red Notice is a request to law enforcement worldwide to locate and provisionally arrest a person pending extradition, surrender, or similar legal action. It is issued at the request of a member country based on a valid national arrest warrant.

    How do I challenge an Interpol Red Notice?

    We can help you find out if you have a Red Notice. We can also make a preliminary request. It is often the case that, before being placed on the Interpol wanted list, a person, due to the existence of high profile or politically motivated criminal proceedings infected against them, admits to being placed on the red notice wanted Interpol red list. Given this fact, he is entitled to apply to the Commission for an advance. Upon receipt of information about a false or unconfirmed accusation, a special Interpol Red Notice advice may decide to remove the suspect from the Interpol red notice list. This helps to block Red Notice and prepare your defense. In addition, we can help you to prepare your case and appeal against your unlawful Red Notice. Interpol red notice investigation law firms can also provide Interpol red notice defense.
